Never be afraid to raise your voice for honesty and truth and compassion against injustice and lying and greed. If people all over the world...would do this, it would change the earth.”
Act now - Become A Supporting member of humanity to help end hunger and violence in our country
Homeless veterans are more likely to die on the streets than non-veterans
Since 2013, Veterans Project & The Family Assistance Campaign has provided free food assistance to more than 20,000 Veterans and their family members, distributing 445,000 lbs. of food. Feed Our Vets mission is to help Veterans in the United States, their spouses and children, whose circumstances have left them on the battlefield of hunger, and to involve the public in fighting Veteran hunger, through: (1) Community food pantries that provide regular, free food to Veterans and their families, (2) Distribution of related goods and services, (3) Public education and outreach.
Power is of two kinds. One is obtained by the fear of punishment
and the other by acts of love. Power based on love
is a thousand times more effective and permanent
then the one derived from fear of punishment.
- Mohandas (Mahatma) Gandhi
to meet the challenges of our times
You have a right to live. You have a right to be. You have these rights regardless of money, health, social status, or class. You have these rights, man, woman, or child. These rights can never be taken away from you, they can only be infringed. When someone violates your rights, remember, it is not your fault.,I believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for one self, one's own family or one's nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace
INTRODUCTION TO VETERANS PROJECT & The Family Assistants Campaign.
Have you ever wondered why poor people are poor? It's not as though there aren't plenty of role models around. Millions of people live highly successful, productive lives in this country. So why don't people at the bottom of the income ladder copy the behavior of those several rungs above them and better their lot in life?
As I wrote previously, the federal government's own pilot programs established conclusively from the very early days of the War on Poverty that the welfare state encourages people not to be married, not to work and not to invest in human capital.
The chart below shows a hypothetical example whereby a family (single parent and two children) can receive nearly $30,000 in government benefits with no household earnings, but only about $10,000 in government benefits with $35,000 in household earnings.
So if the mother earns, say, $35,000 she loses about two-thirds of that amount in lost welfare benefits, and that's not even counting what the government will take in income and payroll taxes.
Steuerle's chart shows what incentives look like at a point in time. But activities today affect benefits tomorrow. For example, working and earning wages produces Social Security benefits and perhaps a private pension at the time of retirement. What do the incentives look like when we look at the lifetime effects of earning wages today?
That question was addressed in a study for the National Center for Policy Analysis by Jagadeesh Gokhale, Laurence J. Kotlikoff and Alexi Sluchynsky:
The authors explicitly incorporate future Social Security benefits as well as current payroll taxes to calculate lifetime marginal tax rates. They conclude that:
• Americans at every income level face a lifetime marginal net tax rate greater than 50 percent.
• That is, for every dollar they earn, they will lose more than 50 cents in higher taxes and reduced transfer benefits.
Furthermore, the highest marginal net tax rates are not imposed on the highest-income families. They are imposed on those with the lowest earnings. For example:
• At two times the minimum wage ($42,800), working couples get to keep less than 30 cents out of each dollar they earn.
• At 1.5 times the minimum wage ($32,100), they get to keep less than 20 cents out of each dollar they earn.
• By contrast, a couple earning $200,000 a year gets to keep 44 cents.
In a follow up study, Kotlikoff and coauthor David S. Rapson calculate the effects of working more hours for people at different income levels. They conclude that effective marginal tax rates are generally and substantially higher for lower-income households than for high-income households.
• For 30-year-old couples earning $20,000 the marginal tax rate on an additional dollar earned is 42.5 percent; yet those earning $50,000 a year face a marginal tax rate of only 24.4 percent.
• At age 45, couples earning $30,000 a year face a higher marginal tax rate (41.9 percent) than do those earning $200,000 a year (35.9 percent).
• At age 60, couples earning $10,000 a year face a marginal tax rate of 50.9 percent, compared to a 43.2 percent marginal tax rate for those earning $200,000!
Moreover, single-parent households who qualify for more benefit programs than do couples face astonishingly high marginal tax rates beginning at lower incomes. For example:
• At age 30, a single parent earning $10,000 a year faces a 72.3 percent marginal tax rate on an additional dollar earned due to their loss of welfare benefits; this rate is substantially higher than the 36.9 percent tax rate on the single parent earning $200,000.
• At 45 years of age, a single parent earning $20,000 faces a marginal tax rate of 42.9 percent; higher than a single parent earning $200,000.
• A 60-year-old single parent earning $10,000 a year faces a 50.9 percent marginal tax rate, while those earning $200,000 face a rate of 43.2 percent.
Generations of welfare cases and a perennial poor underclass have been created, with no work ethic, no desire to succeed, no interest in education as a way out of poverty, and no personal responsibility
Fatherhood Initiatives and Nanny Government
By Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh
In the age when big government has displaced and replaced fathers, making traditional families obsolete by giving financial incentives in various forms of welfare to millions of out-of-wedlock mothers in head of household families, the idea of fatherhood programs and initiatives seems commendable.
According to the Pew Research Center, four in ten babies were born in 2008 to unwed women. Approximately 2.6 million households were led by single fathers in 2011, a sizable increase when compared to fewer than 300,000 in 1960. Twenty-three percent of single-household families were father-only families and 77 percent were mother-only families.
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which studied 27 industrialized countries found that 25.8percent of children in the U.S. are raised by a single parent compared to14.9 percent in other countries. Seventy-two percent of black children are raised in a single parent household.
The OECD reported public spending on child welfare and education in the U.S. to be$160,000, higher than the $149,000 expenditure in other countries, most spending occurring after the crucial early childhood years. The study indicated that “the United States is the only OECD country that does not have a national paid parental leave policy.” It is important to point out that all socialist countries have such a policy that is sometimes abused by parents who learn how to game the system.
Because in 2013 twenty-five percent of children under 18 lived in households run by their mothers, the federal, state, and local governments partnered with public and private organizations to develop programs to help noncustodial fathers be financially and personally responsible for their children, boosting involvement in their children’s lives.
“Responsible fatherhood” program
“Responsible fatherhood” programs are very important because research shows that children raised in single-parent families are “more likely to do poorly in school, have emotional and behavioral problems, become teenage parents, and have poverty level incomes.”
Federal funding for “responsible fatherhood” programs comes from Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), TANF state Maintenance-of-Effort (MOE), Child Support Enforcement (CSE), and Social Services Block Grant (Title XX).
Fifty million dollars per year in competitive grants to states, territories, Indian tribes, public and non-profit groups were included in the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 for responsible fatherhood initiatives (2006-2010)
P.L. 111-291 (December 8, 2010) appropriated $75 million for healthy marriage promotion and $75 million for responsible fatherhood activities. Fatherhood programs promote the importance of “emotional, psychological, and financial connections of fathers to their children.” The fatherhood programs include “parenting education, responsible decision-making, mediation services for both parents, conflict resolution, coping with stress, problem solving skills, peer support, and job training activities such as skills development, interviewing skills, job search, job-retention skills, and job-advancement skills.”(Carmen Solomon-Fears, Specialist in Social Policy, January 28, 2014)
Child Support Enforcement
Child Support Enforcement (CSE) funds are used to promote access and visitation rights for fathers. Both single mothers on welfare and the biological father are more likely to have dropped out of school, have little work experience, and are likely unable to find and/or keep a job.
Representative Nancy Johnson said that these fathers are “dead broke,” not “dead beats” and the federal government “should help these noncustodial fathers meet their financial and emotional obligations to their children.” (House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Human Resources, Hearing on Fatherhood Legislation, Statement of Chairman Nancy Johnson, 106th Congress, 1st session, October 5, 1999, p. 4)
President George W. Bush’s Executive Office wrote in a “Blueprint for New Beginnings – A Responsible Budget for America’s Priorities” (February 28, 2001 in Chapter 12, p. 75), “While fathers must fulfill their financial commitments, they must also fulfill their emotional commitments. Dads play indispensable roles that cannot be measured in dollars and cents: nurturer, mentor, disciplinarian, moral instructor, and skills coach, among other roles.”
To make matters worse, some noncustodial fathers are incarcerated and, upon release, must re-enter the lives of their children but do not have the skills to cope with such a monumental undertaking, further negatively affecting the fragility of the family that needs healthy relationship skills training.
Women’s groups such as the National Organization for Women (NOW) and the National Women’s Law Center expressed concern that:
Single-mother families might be under-valued by the emphasis on the importance of the father. Services for fathers would take away from services for mothers. Fathers’ rights groups would get more leverage in child custody cases, child support, and visitation arrangements. Solomon-Fears asks the following questions in a Congressional Research Service report:
Is the federal government promoting and supporting the father’s involvement in their children’s lives regardless of the father’s relationship with the mother? What if the father has children by more than one woman? What about incarcerated parents or those recently released from jail?
Federal government support for counseling, education, and supervised visitation for abusive fathers who may or may not want to reconnect with their children? (RL31025, p. 13)
The Child Support Enforcement (CSE) system has improved its collection of child support payments during 1978-2011 from $1 billion to $27.3 billion, located more parents, discovered paternities, and established child support orders.
Proponents of the CSE program additionally approve of the “increased personal responsibility and welfare cost-avoidance.”
Critics of the CSE program enumerate the nanny state, “big brother” compliance venues such as withholding licensure (professional, driver’s, recreational), passport revocation, seizure of bank accounts, retirement funds, lottery winnings, and automatic withholding from pay checks. The CSE program ”collects only 20 percent of child support obligations for which it has responsibility and only 57 percent of its caseload.”
CSE program is based exclusively on financial support, critics say, alienating low-income fathers from their children when they cannot meet their child support payments. Such a narrow view of fatherhood, specialists say, devalues fathers and robs them of the role as “nurturer, disciplinarian, mentor, and moral instructor.” On the other hand, it is hard to be a disciplinarian or moral instructor to your child when you lack the moral compass to begin with or are in jail.
Noncustodial fathers from welfare supported families complain that the CSE program does not help their children because child support payments are used for welfare reimbursements to the federal government and the state. Mothers use the CSE program as a threat to report fathers to the CSE authorities, to take them back to court, to have more wages garnished, and to have them arrested.
The 1996 welfare reform law stated that “marriage is the foundation of a successful society.” “Marriage is an essential institution of a successful society that promotes the interests of children. However, some child welfare advocates argue that marriage is not necessarily the best alternative for all women and their children,” especially when taking into account an abusive father. (CRS report, “Fatherhood Initiatives: Connecting Fathers to Their Children,” Carmen Solomon-Fears, p. 14)
Research found in 2011 that 72.11 percent of black births were to unmarried women and29.1 percent of white births were to unmarried women. Based on this demographic, the researchers, Ronald B. Mincy and Chien-Chung Huang, from Bowling Green State University, thought it “racially insensitive” to devote five times as much money for marriage promotion as for responsible fatherhood promotion. Thus in 2011, P.L. 111-291 made the funding for responsible fatherhood grants equal to marriage promotion grants.
The federal government is trying to redress the disintegration of the American family, a problem it has created through generous welfare programs that have rewarded out-of-wedlock motherhood and replaced fathers. Many generations of welfare cases and a perennial poor underclass have been created, with no work ethic, no desire to succeed, no interest in education as a way out of poverty, and no personal responsibility.
Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, (Romanian Conservative) is a freelance writer (Canada Free Press, Romanian Conservative,, author, radio commentator (Silvio Canto Jr. Blogtalk Radio, Butler on Business, The Liberty Express, Free Market Radio, and Republic Broadcasting Network), and speaker. Her book, “Echoes of Communism, is available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Short essays describe health care, education, poverty, religion, social engineering, and confiscation of property". A second book, “Liberty on Life Support,” is also available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. A third book, “U.N. Agenda 21: Environmental Piracy,” is a best seller at under Globalism, Politics, and Environmental Policy.
Her commentaries reflect American Exceptional-ism, the economy, immigration, and education.Visit her website,
Dr. Johnson can be reached at:
Our mission is to empower men and women by helping them to discover their true inner and outer beauty & Strengths. When you look better, you feel better and when you feel better, you can change your life. The key to success whether it be your wedding day to your career is self-esteem My goal is to provide anyone with a professional service that will let them achieve the goals and sophistication that
Our goal is for you to look great, feel like you're on top of the world, and be fabulous. In my career as a soldier an citizens I have spent years training and taching young men and women to be the best they can be for themselves and and their families, we promise to never stop learning and to do Our absolute best and put our right foot forward, Our job is never done and there is always a higher goal We can achieve. We Love every aspect in helping young people Inprove their lives and We our so thrilled and excited for our future with learning and passing on our own techniques.
We believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for one self, one's own family or one's nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace.
“We have for many years lived with the knowledge that we, the masses, the working class, the poor, the white, the black, the brown, the immigrants, the Christians, the Muslims, the atheists, the soldiers/ex-soldiers, the peaceniks, the communists, the anarchists, the students, the people, across the spectrum, we all have a common cause”…We must learn to use our heart to see the world has one human family with no boundaries or color just human beings who need a hand of gently kindness and understanding with out any judgment only compassion and love to heals their wounds
History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.
Martin Luther King Jr. and Silence
“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” —Martin Luther King Jr.
Martin Luther King Jr., I am reminded of one aspect of him that is most compelling to me. Over and over, King warned us to refrain from keeping silent—to speak up when we encounter injustice. One of his most profound statements was:“He who passively accepts evil is as much involved in it as he who helps to perpetrate it. He who accepts evil without protesting against it is really cooperating with it.”King reminded us that we cannot merely sit back and watch injustice; we need to speak out and consciously push back against it.
All too often we complain about injustice and prejudice; we watch as the rights, history, and culture of others are trampled on or erased(take a look around, it’s happening now). Yet we say nothing and we do nothing. Sometimes, we refrain from speaking out because we assume that “speaking out” means protesting with signs or acts of civil disobedience. Speaking out can manifest in this way, but it can also happen through writing, through the way you live your life (being consistent in your values and actions), and by pointing out injustice in everyday situations when you see it. Writing about the civil-rights era, King said, “History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.” I can’t help but think that his words are applicable today in our current political climate—a climate in which civility has been replaced by anger, hate, and atrocious deeds. In order to change the tone of the rhetoric of hate, we must speak up. We must stand up against injustice and for those who are being treated unjustly.
King urged us to feel passionate about freedom and justice, even calling upon us to give our life for what we believe in—much like he did. He said, “A man who won’t die for something is not fit to live.” Whether he met this in actuality does not matter to me. What he was saying is that when we feel strongly, we must act in the ways that we know how. We must use our strengths as individuals to make society better and we must act as the conscience of our nation.
Whenever I feel strongly about an issue but fear the idea of speaking out, I think of the words of King. He said“In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”These are simple words, but they are wonderfully profound in their message to all of us.
Our Veterans need your support to block a Federal District Judgeship recommended by U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein who continues to reward her rich cronies at the expense of disabled homeless Veterans in Los Angeles
When you sort through the bullet-pointed summary and timeline in the article, you can see how Sen. Feinstein has really done a number on Veterans with her backroom wheeling and dealing, all the while lying that this land must be used for Veterans only.
We’re garnering rapid support for the attached Resolution and would appreciate if you could reach out to your organizations for support.
In addition, please send this to all your trusted news sources and request that they investigate Sen. Feinstein’s abuse of power and her aiding and abetting in the misappropriation of Veterans property, including political payback for a Federal District Judgeship to the U.S. Attorney who fought against disabled homeless Veterans and their legally deeded land in Los Angeles.
Fellow American Patriots need to unify and block this sinister and duplicitous Judgeship nomination, then the publicity will finally expose all the crime and corruption of Sen. Feinstein and her cronies and blow wide open this shameful assault on war-injured and impoverished Veterans.
This is criminal in the worst sense and requires Congressional, FBI and Grand Jury Investigations.
Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.
Over the past three decades the culture has morphed into a vapid, shallow backwater of mediocrity. Ignorance is the order of the day
The Culture is killing us
One of my college professors, told me the penultimate difference between capitalism and socialism was that under capitalism man exploited man, while under socialism it was exactly the other way around.
I personally couldn’t have defined the difference any more succinctly than my late prof, but I am given to wonder how any sentient person could still believe that socialism is the salvation of man.
Interestingly, most socialist regimes of the past were imposed on countries through violent revolutionary actions that entailed significant numbers of deaths and near endless human suffering in order to someday create a ‘workers’ paradise. Think the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, North Korea, Vietnam, etc. Fairly each and every nation that has ever adopted socialism as its economic model has failed to advance the fortunes of its citizenry. Indeed, the exact opposite has happened. Hence the total collapse of the Soviet Union and its subservient satellites, the failure of the Cuban economy, where the average income is between $12 to $25 per month and the misery now plaguing Venezuela, where socialism was imposed by Hugo Chavez’s revolution in 1999.
One thing for which socialism is famous is its penchant for lowering the standard of living for everyone, save and except those of the ruling class, or nomenklatura, as it came to be called in the old Soviet Union. Hence the leaders lived like the Czar they overthrew and the rest of the population shared equally in misery, a fact that bespeaks my old prof’s sardonic definition of the difference between the two systems.
America is currently undergoing a revolution in efforts to turn its own economy from capitalism into socialism. And while this is not a particularly remarkable development in and of itself, what makes it remarkable is that for the first time in history socialism is being imposed on the people by its existing ruling class. The process to achieve this isn’t necessarily one involving violent revolution, but the end result will undoubtedly be as if it had.
Take for example the imposition of a draconian national healthcare regime. Designed to provide coverage for some 10% of the American population that did not have healthcare coverage, the regime was imposed on the other 90% that did. And while the administration crows hollowly about this Brobdingnagian victory, evidence of its harm is everywhere.
No rational individual could possibly believe that 7 million Americans actually signed on to this outlandish and expensive scheme, but it was necessary for the administration to postulate this lie, if for no other reason than to offset the over 6 million Americans that were documented having lost their existing healthcare coverage because of the new healthcare law.
But healthcare isn’t the only area in which socialism is being imposed on the nation from the top down. In other areas, such as finance, industry and agriculture the socialist hordes in the form of government regulators are running rampant and wreaking havoc in their wake.
It’s fashionable to blame George W. Bush for the housing crash, but few understand that this economic disaster had been 30 years in the making and was made inevitable by George W.’s predecessor, Bill Clinton. Clinton’s strengthening of the Community Reinvestment Act (which was initially instituted by the hapless Jimmy Carter) and its enforcement through Janet Reno’s intimidation of American mortgage lenders created the conditions that resulted directly in the collapse of the housing market and the Great Recession of 2007.
To date none of the policies the Obama administration have imposed on the country have resulted in good economic news. On the contrary, any economic gains in the US economy were in spite of the administration’s policies, not because of them. What’s more, it’s difficult to ascertain if the economy is any better off today than it was in January 2009, given the administration’s mendacity. Is the unemployment rate really at 6.7% as claimed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, or is it closer to double digits, when considering that there are over 93 million Americans not participating in the labor force?
Then there’s the global warming/climate change boondoggle, which the administration is once again pursuing with total disregard to the economic damage its policies will impose on the nation. And what’s remarkable, as more and more people see these policies for what they are, i.e. a massive wealth redistribution scheme, its proponents are doubling down their efforts to impose their dubious policies. Now they’re calling for the incarceration of prominent individuals who argue that climate science is still open to debate and they’re legitimizing lying about their claims in the interest of the common good. But it’s all to accomplish a positive outcome.
Where have we heard this before? The Soviet Union? Nazi Germany? Fascist Italy? These are all states whose ruling classes justified their actions because they were working for the common good, much in the same way that our political elites and their intelligentsia are arguing the same.
Saddest of all is my realization that this phenomenon has little, if anything, to do with politics and everything to do with culture. Over the past three decades the culture has morphed into a vapid, shallow backwater of mediocrity. Ignorance is the order of the day. Being smart is no longer desirable. Working hard is for suckers. Honesty is for the naïve. Patriotism is a form of racism and being heterosexual is so yesteryear.
It’s in a culture such as this that diseased philosophies, like those espoused by Barack Obama and his acolytes, find root and blossom. I see very little hope for meaningful change within my lifetime and likely not within the lifetime of my children.
Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.
We provide veteran, IN NEED WE PROVIDE FOOD ,CLOTHING,HOUSEING AND TRANSPORTATION TO AND FROM SCHOOL OR WORK,AS WELL AS LEGAL AND MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, IT IS OUR SINCERE HOPES THAT THE LOVE AND COMPASSION SHOWN THROUGH THE HEARTS AND COMPASSION OF THOSE WHO ASSIST IN THIS INDEVORE TO HELP YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN STAND FREE AND INDEPENDENT FROM THE THINGS THAT BROUGHT THEM TO OUR LIVES IS DONE SO THEY CAN LEAD PRODUCTIVE LIVES WITH FAITH AND FAMILY VALUES THEY SEE IN OUR OWN HOMES AS We SHARE OUR LIVES WITH THESE AND MANY YOUNG MEN & WOMEN.WE believe that to meet the challenges of our times, human beings will have to develop a greater sense of universal responsibility. Each of us must learn to work not just for oneself, one's own family or one's nation, but for the benefit of all humankind. Universal responsibility is the key to human survival. It is the best foundation for world peace
Life Lessons: All you got to do is overcome de devil’s wicked tool: discouragement
Devil’s most useful tools: Discouragement
When teaching me life lessons, my boyhood best friend and mentor,used conundrums so effectively that, once solved, the lessons were indelibly imprinted in my mind, which was the case when he told me about one of the devil’s most useful tools: discouragement.
The old black man explained that Satan had updated some of his tools and was auctioning off the out-of-date versions, among them The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride, Avarice, Gluttony, Lust, Envy, Wrath, and Sloth.
The sale was a great success. Wealthy bidders were willing to go to any length to get the tools, and offered huge amounts of money for them, knowing they would be extremely useful when dealing dishonestly with other people.
“But,” Jaybird said, “dey wuz one tool — discouragement — that Satan wouldn’t sell, and some of de sho-nuff rich folks wanted to know why.”
“It’s a tool that never needs updating,”Satan told them. “I can depend on it to serve my purposes almost every time. No tool works better for prying open human hearts, and when I get in, I can do just about anything I want to with that heart.”
Discouragement was one of Jaybird’s favorite techniques. His riddles often caused me to rack my brain, give up, and let discouragement sink in. In time, he’d explain, but only after he knew the solution I wanted to obtain so badly would become a permanent part of the guidelines for life that he was instilling in me.
One day, when I asked him if he was afraid of dying, he put the technique to work.
“Ain’t nothing to dying … once you git de hang o’ it,” he answered.
“That’s stupid,” I retorted. “How can you get the hang of something you will do only one time?”
“Ain’t nothing to dying … once you git de hang o’ it,” he mumbled again.
Whereas Satan uses discouragement for destructive purposes, Jaybird used it constructively. In his own unique way, he was teaching me not to give up when striving to attain worthy goals.
As a patriot,and a Sovereign citizen and former army trainer of young men and women , I sometimes utilize a “can’t do” ruse to generate a “can do” mindset among students.
The strategy involves presenting a challenge in such a way that students are determined to overcome it; then I orchestrate their efforts to obtain the solution.
If I am successful, I teach them what Jaybird taught me: One must never let discouragement be a deterrent to overcoming difficulties encountered on the road to achievement, and that life is an interminable problem-solving process in which discouragement must be overcome constantly. The more it is overcome, the less of an impediment it becomes. Experience in defeating Satan’s tool leads to losses for him and victories for humankind.
Looking at me agonizing in discouragement, Jaybird chuckled, patted me on the head, and said, “Boy, what I want you to see is, once you git de hang o’ it, dey ain’t nuttin’ to livin’. All you got to do is overcome de devil’s wicked tool: discouragement.”
Think outside the box,live outside the cage
The veterans project
Please forward this to as many of your contacts that you can and ask them to support this cause and to forward it to their contacts as well.
Media: Focus on despondent Veterans on American soil who are visibly crying out for help
Malaysian Flight More Newsworthy Than 8,000 Veteran Suicides
By Robert L. Rosebrock
LOS ANGELES - On March 8, Malaysian Air Flight 370 disappeared with 239 people on board who were from 15 nations and regions with the majority of them Chinese citizens. There were three American passengers on board the fateful flight.
Since March 8, CNN and FOX News have been reporting the air disaster non-stop. As a result, we’re forced to watch countless “airline experts” guess and theorize at what might have happened, compounded by countless politicians who are even more clueless.
Since March 8, an estimated 418 of our Military Veterans have committed suicide on American soil. That’s 415 more than the number of American passengers who perished on Flight 370.
A study by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) reports that that an average of 22 Veterans commit suicide every day
There’s never been any mention on any news station anywhere about the greatest human disaster in American history, which is the catastrophic loss of 8,000 lives annually by suicide of those who defended our Nation’s freedom.
About 70 percent of Veterans who commit suicide are over age 50.
VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki submits: “The mental health and well-being of our courageous men and women who have served the Nation is the highest priority for VA, and even one suicide is one too many.”
Highest priority? If the Secretary was really serious and concerned about the loss of a single Veteran from suicide, never mind that 22 Veterans take their own life every day and more than 8,000 a year, don’t you think he’d be appearing on ABC, CBS and NBC, along with CNN and Fox News, reaching out to America’s citizenry for answers and solutions? And if any of the aforementioned TV / Cable News programs were really serious and concerned about reporting major news, they would be talking about the tragic number of Veteran suicides with the same intensity they are reporting the tragedy of a missing airplane.
Any idea on the total amount of money and man hours that have already been spent searching for the Malaysian airplane?
Have we forgotten the price of war to defend our nation’s freedom, never mind defending other nations around the world?
Let there be no misunderstanding: War is Hell!
Whether America’s Military men and women are fighting a war or trying to heal from fighting a war, it’s always hell because the war never ends.
When our Military Troops go to war, they serve under the Department of Defense as highly trained professional warriors who are equipped with the finest defense weapons in the world to defeat the toughest enemies in the world.
After returning from war, they are supposed to be served by the Department of Veterans Affairs with the finest healthcare facilities in the world. But instead of healing from overseas war, America’s military Veterans are fighting some of life’s toughest battles, day-by-day, just to survive in the Country they defended with courage and honor.
Unfortunately, these homeland battles are not fought as a collective and supportive Military unit, but as one lonely Veteran at-a-time against arrogant bureaucrats of the VA, which is the second largest bureaucracies in the federal government.
To make matters worse, Veterans are not trained to fight personal “David vs. Goliath”wars with our own government and they have no protective force or weapons of defense in these endless and tiring battles.
As time goes on, their warrior and survivor skills diminish and their sense of victory becomes hopeless while their opponent keeps getting bigger and more powerful. Tragically, every year more than 8,000 Veterans voluntarily surrender their lives … victims of bureaucratic battle fatigue.
Their only solace is found in Plato’s prophetic claim more than 2,500 years ago: “Only the dead have seen the end of war.”
Every day, 22 American Military Veterans who pledged their lives to defend our Nation’s freedom will end up taking their own lives because we have failed to defend them.
This is unquestionably one of the biggest news stories in the world, but it is being shamefully suppressed here in the USA.
Its time for the major media to stop searching for “traces of life” in the vast Indian Ocean and to immediately begin focusing on despondent Veterans on American soil who are visibly crying out for help.
God Bless America and the Veterans Revolution!
Hopefully true American justice will finally replace our U.S. Government’s injustice against our deprived Veterans
The Injustice of the Department of Justice
By Robert L. Rosebrock
LOS ANGELES - More than 2500 years ago, Aesop prophetically forewarned: “We hang the petty thieves and appoint the great ones to public office.”
Putting this into today’s perspective, if a homeless and hungry Veteran pilfers some food for personal survival he or she will go to jail. If dishonest public officials embezzle billions-of-dollars of Veterans’ property for personal advantage, they will be shielded from prosecution. This discriminatory injustice must cease, posthaste!
The Los Angeles Department of Justice (DOJ) has continued its war of injustice against war-injured and impoverished Veterans who are forced to live homeless and hungry in back-alley squalor because the deeded land to their National Veterans Home has been pillaged and plundered for non-Veteran use.
Shamefully, the DOJ has ignored the biggest land-fraud scandal in American history that has become an international disgrace of Biblical proportion because of the inhumane treatment of disabled and disadvantaged homeless Veterans in Los Angeles.
On June 12, 2010, the Los Angeles Times featured an article titled “U.S. Attorney to Target Corruption.”
It was about Andrew Birotte, Jr., the Los Angeles U.S. Attorney who had just announced that he was creating a specialized unit to prosecute public corruption, such as those involving politicians or police officers accused of crimes. Its mission, he proclaimed, will be “to bring to justice those public officials and public employees who violate the public trust.”
Unlawful use of federal VA property that benefited non-Veteran entities instead of providing supportive healthcare and housing for disabled and homeless Veterans
As we know, President Barack Obama and General Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), have made bold claims that they will end Veteran homeless by next year.
On June 8, 2011, one year after U.S. Attorney Birotte claimed that he would bring justice against public employees who violate the public trust, the ACLU filed a lawsuit against public employees Donna Beiter, executive director of the Los Angeles VA, and her boss, General Eric K. Shinseki, for the unlawful use of federal VA property that benefited non-Veteran entities instead of providing supportive healthcare and housing for disabled and homeless Veterans.
But instead of investigating Ms. Beiter and General Shinseki on behalf of homeless Veterans, Mr. Birotte and his large staff of deputy U.S. Attorneys aggressively fought the lawsuit.
However, on August 29, 2013, Mr. Birotte and his team of Deputy Attorneys lost as U.S. District Judge S. James Otero entered a Federal Judgment against Defendants Beiter and Shinseki for engaging in nine separate real estate deals that were adjudicated as “unauthorized by law and therefore void.”
Instead of bringing justice to these public employees who violated their public trust, U.S. Attorney Birotte continues to violate his own public trust and personal promise as he and his fellow U.S. Attorneys have Appealed the Federal Judgment at the costly expense of the American taxpayer and the prolonged misery and suffering of disabled and destitute Veterans who need immediate housing and care.
On the other hand, Mr. Birotte and FBI Agents have spent that past couple years investigating and recently indicting a California State Senator for allegedly taking $100,000 in bribes and kick-backs.
U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte (L) and FBI Assistant Director Bill Lewis (R) speak at a news conference February 21, 2014, in Los Angeles. These Federal law enforcement authorities announced multiple charges of bribery and cover-up against California State Senator Ron Calderon.
What State Senator Calderon is alleged to have done is small-time compared to the billions-of-dollars of Federal VA property that was unlawfully transacted with sweetheart land deals, including a“rent free” agreement with a wealthy homeowner group to build a public park on Veterans property, which is endorsed by U.S. Congressman Henry Waxman and U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein.
U.S. Senator Feinstein used the power of her own public trust to write a letter to former VA Secretary Nicholson on behalf of the homeowner group directing him that a long-term “sharing agreement”between the VA and the homeowner group must be approved. Three months later the VA entered into a 30-year“rent free” agreement with the homeowner group to build a public community park on Veterans VA property, in complete violation of Federal law.
While State Senator Calderon violated his own public trust with bribery and kick-back scams, he never gave away any Federal VA land or forced one disabled Veteran to become homeless like what transpired at the largest VA in the nation and eventually led Los Angeles to be our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans.
Since the U.S. Attorneys will not investigate the biggest land-fraud scandal in American history compounded by heinous Human Rights Violations, this is to once again request Congressional, FBI and Federal Grand Jury Investigations into this unconscionable land swindle of incomparable measure and devastation.
This is also to request immediate investigations by The Human Rights Council of the United Nations, The Hague’s International Court of Justice and International Criminal Court, The Vatican, et al., against the United States Government for heinous crimes against humanity that have been perpetrated against our war-injured Veterans who have defended freedom around the world and are now impoverished and forced to live homeless and hungry in despicable and inhumane conditions.
The Los Angeles DOJ has shamefully failed to defend our disabled and needy Veterans, but instead aggressively fights the lawsuit that produced a Federal Judgment against the VA Secretary and his Los Angeles director for unlawful use of Veterans property.
Vietnam Veterans of America is a major Plaintiff in the lawsuit and by the VA’s own admission, nearly half (47%) of today’s homeless Veterans are from the Vietnam War era, which ended nearly 40 years ago.
By vigorously fighting this lawsuit, U.S. Attorney Birotte prolongs this national disgrace and nullifies President Obama’s own proclamation:
“One of the most painful chapters in our history was Vietnam—most particularly, how we treated our troops who served there. You were often blamed for a war you didn’t start, when you should have been commended for serving your country with valor. You were sometimes blamed for misdeeds of a few, when the honorable service of the many should have been praised. You came home and sometimes were denigrated, when you should have been celebrated. It was a national shame, a disgrace that should have never happened. And that’s why here today we resolve that it will not happen again.” President Obama - Vietnam War Memorial in Washington, D.C. on May 28, 2012
Correspondingly, if President Obama is serious about his promise to Vietnam War Veterans and to end Veteran homelessness by next year, then he needs to make major changes in his Department of Justice and the Department of Veterans Affairs, and that means immediately replacing Los Angeles U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte, VA Secretary Eric K. Shinseki and his Los Angeles VA director Donna Beiter.
It’s important to point out that Henry Waxman was a Vietnam War protestor. In 1974, shortly before the fall of Saigon that ended the War, he was elected to the public trust as a U.S. Representative that included our nation’s largest VA within his Congressional District.
Thus, it’s no surprise that during nearly four decades of public trust, Henry Waxman never appropriated a single dollar for a single blanket for a single homeless Veteran while Los Angeles became our nation’s capital for homeless Veterans.
Did I mention that Congressman Waxman and Senator Feinstein support a rent-free public park on a billion-dollar parcel of Veterans property that was adjudicated in Federal Court to be “unauthorized by law and therefore void?”
Congressman Darrell Issa, Chairman of the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, needs to begin immediate investigations into all this crime, corruption and cover up under Henry Waxman’s 40-year entrusted “watch” at the painful expense of tens of thousands of war-injured and impoverished Veterans.
Hopefully, these neglected Veterans will finally get some poetic justice since Henry Waxman was a former Chairman of the powerful Oversight Committee even though he never once investigated all this crime and corruption in his own Congressional District that was being conveniently covered up.
Hopefully true American justice will finally replace our U.S. Government’s injustice against our deprived Veterans.
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